
Behavioral Health Services in Northern California & Spokane, Washington

Telepsychiatry in Chico & Spokane

Now offering telehealth services to all of California and Washington.

We have partnered with Mend, a new telehealth service that integrates with Athena!

Therapeutic Solutions is happy to offer telepsychiatry services as an alternative to our in-office appointments. This option allows our patients to schedule an online therapy session so you can remain in the comfort and safety of your home.

In order for you to schedule and participate in a virtual counseling session; all you need is WiFi, a phone, tablet, or computer. Just like our in-office visits, we ask that you please keep to your scheduled time.

Request an Appointment

Request an Appointment to get started with Therapeutic Solutions

How Does Telepsychiatry Work?

Telepsychiatry, sometimes referred to as Telehealth or Telemedicine, is a scheduled appointment with a therapist or medical provider done remotely using a phone, tablet, or computer. Our online therapy appointments include video conferencing capabilities, so we’re able to interact with our patients with the one-on-one attention they would get during a regular in-office appointment.

Setting Up Your Appointment

Please plan an extra 10 minutes to download the app and get connected for your telepsychiatry appointment. To prevent technical difficulties, it’s better to download any apps you may need one day prior to your virtual appointment. If you’re still experiencing trouble or have a question, don’t hesitate to call the front desk for assistance.

How Much Does It Cost?

We are not charging any additional fees for this service; however, it may require you to download an app to your computer or mobile device. Just like an onsite appointment, virtual therapy visits are billed through your insurance company. We accept most private insurance plans for our telepsychiatry services, but please contact your insurance company for details on your coverage.

Telepsychiatry Services for Group Therapy Appointments

We will continue to offer our intensive group therapy programs because telepsychiatry technology allows for group members to benefit from the unique therapeutic benefits of group therapy while remaining safely isolated.

Services available to patients through Telepsychiatry include:

Do I Need to Be a California or Washington Resident to Schedule an Appointment?

In most cases, yes. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed for some flexibility. If you are not a CA or WA resident and you are interested in scheduling a telepsychiatry appointment, please contact us directly to inquire about eligibility.

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We’re happy to answer any of your questions

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