
How Do Drugs Alter the Brain?

Most of us are already aware that drugs have a tremendous effect on the brain. Many people feel a “rush” from drugs, of course depending on the type of drug and the individual. Those same chemicals that make us feel good, however, also send signals to the brain to essentially alter and rewire our chemistry. We all want to feel a boost of confidence or a rush of endorphins, but with drugs, it can come at a significant cost to the makeup of our brains.

How Are Drug Cravings Created?

The medical community has uncovered some interesting research as of late on how drugs can alter the brain. One of the ways it does this is how our brain processes the drugs to create “cravings.” According to these recent studies, that craving is stored in the brain as a function of memory. The more a person takes drugs, the more the brain has to process the chemicals that enter the the body.

The drugs are continuously stimulating the proteins in the brain to become accustomed to it, causing dependence and thus, the “cravings.” Some of the research has further shown that this mechanism is so strong that it can be detected for months after the individual no longer suffers from withdrawal symptoms. It can even be detected in the brains of individuals who have passed away as well. In short, drug addiction can be so powerful so as to affect the brains of even the deceased—imagine just how powerful they can be while we are living.

Get Help Today—Call Us!

That is why it is so important to have guidance when seeking treatment for drug addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can be so severe so as to make a person feel physically ill, that it is all too easy to turn back to the drug just to find relief. Proper detoxification will require some care over the long-term, as well as follow-ups and other care from a knowledgeable team who can offer guidance for substance abuse and rehabilitation.

Therapeutic Solutions has a substance abuse treatment program that is one of the few that are certified by the California Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs. To get started please contact us at (530) 899-3150.